How potent is our Reiki?

Every Reiki master does his or her best to make the Reiki as potent as possible. The first step is with the Reiki itself and for that it needs to come from a potent source. In the past a Reiki Master went through a special initiation process where the Reiki Master teacher transferred the Reiki energy from teacher to student. During this process the Reiki energy passed through the teacher’s aura and body and into the student. Because of this the reiki energy was sometimes diminished if there was a different between the Reiki source and teacher and so it was possible to have very different Reiki energies due to the energetic state of the teacher.

Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki comes from a higher level of consciousness and as such is more refined and smarter. Holy Fire III and Karuna Reiki have a different process during this initiation process. During this process the Reiki energy itself interacts directly with the student and the teacher just facilitates the process with a sacred meditation process. When this happens the full force of the Reiki is given to the student from source.

The room that the Reiki is given in also effects its potency. At the Oasis we do our best to keep the space energetically pure and pristine. We also don’t use any chemicals to clean our space and use only natural product that smell great. When a healing room uses toxic chemicals it not only has the ability to create a toxic environment but also effects the energy of the space as well.

Our clients notice the difference in our Potency and so will you when come for a visit. In fact, it’s not uncommon for our clients to feel an energy shift as soon as they enter the room. Our signature style of Reiki combined with our patented crystals and Gemlights give you a level of energetic potency that can be felt both during and long after your session. Contact us today to experience the Oasis difference.